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Tag: AGameAMonth

Game #5: 3D Sidescroller – Unity – Voxelart

Game #5: 3D Sidescroller – Unity – Voxelart

Hi there! It’s time to make a new game! This time I’m choosing one of the most popular Game Engines: Unity3D! As you can see in the animation above, it will be a side scrolling shooter with a colorful voxelart setting. The main things I will focus on will be: Procedural content generation (environment, enemies) Voxelart Shaders Particle effects Local Coop-Multiplayer mode The goal is to make an action packed couch coop game. It’s something I wanted to do for…

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A Game A Month #3 – Release?

A Game A Month #3 – Release?

Hey folks, another couple of weeks have passed since the announcement of my third game this year! Read this post, if you’ve missed it. At first: Sorry for the delay, again! This “A Game A Month”-Project is more ambitious than I thought. There is a lot that currently prevents me from game development. Last month I moved and now I write my master thesis. In detail: 6 weeks have passed since the announcement and I had only 10 days for…

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A Game A Month #3 – Mobile Game With Defold

A Game A Month #3 – Mobile Game With Defold

It’s time to announce what the april-game will look like! This month I will take a look at the Defold engine and make a very simple casual mobile game. The Defold Engine Defold belongs to King, THE mobile game developer, which is known for the Candy Crush game series. It provides an simple editor with basic components you need for making a game, like a GUI for placing sprites and other components, a debugger, a console and the possibility to…

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A Game A Month #2 – Release!

A Game A Month #2 – Release!

A few days ago I published my second game – Castle Adventure, A Platformer using the Godot Engine – and finally here are some news related to the development process! As you have maybe noticed, it took me more time than just one month. Since I had exams in march I decided to take another month, because I was not really satisfied with the state and didn’t have enough time to finish the game. So here it is! A simple…

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A Game A Month #2 – Update!

A Game A Month #2 – Update!

Hello back! It’s been nearly a month since the announcement of the second game: Making a dungeon platformer using Godot 3. Unfortunately I had to deal with some exams in the past weeks and had not enough time to finish this game at the end of february. Nevertheless, I made some improvements and it looks great, yet! The more features I add, the more new ideas I have. The whole thing becomes bigger than expected. Therefore I decided to take…

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A Game A Month #2 – Godot Platformer

A Game A Month #2 – Godot Platformer

Hello again! it’s time for a new announcement: This month I will deal with Godot 3.0, making a Platformer/Jump’n’Run! For those who are new here: I try to create and release a new game every month, using another game engine in every project. Last month I’ve created the first game using LibGDX, which you can play here: Super Shot. Feedback and comments are welcome! This time, the idea is to create a platformer with an atmospheric dungeon setting where a…

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A Game A Month #1: Release!

A Game A Month #1: Release!

Yeah, it’s release time! Three weeks have passed since I started developing this game and now it’s finally finished. As announced earlier, I started to develop a Shoot’em Up using LibGDX. I posted two updates so far, and now it’s time to finally publish it. I’ve made a couple of improvements since the last update: New spaceship graphics, improved background More items: Shield-item, boost-item, more gun items Ability to fire a “Super Shot” when enough enemies were killed A logo…

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A Game A Month #1: Update – Nearly finished!

A Game A Month #1: Update – Nearly finished!

Hi everyone! I’m back with an update of my first monthy game this year. I have made great progress and it seems like I’m on a good way to finish this game in January. Here is a short summary of the progress: Menu, pause and game over states Player death: By getting shot, collision with enemies and ground Restart handling – reinitializing gameplay Counting score, showing at top-right corner Showing health-bar, decreasing on hit Spawning non-shooting obstacles (clouds) Spawning items:…

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A Game A Month #1: Shoot’em Up using LibGDX

A Game A Month #1: Shoot’em Up using LibGDX

Welcome to my first attempt at making a game in a month! Thanks to the holidays I had some time to set this blog up and start working on my January-Game. The first game will be a simple Shoot’em Up made with LibGDX, an open source multi-platform Java game framework. It’s a framework I used many times so far and which I know very well. I think that’s good for the start as the risk will be low that I…

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Hello, I’m Phil, a hobby game developer who wants to share some experiences with the world. As I worked on many private hobby projects so far but didn’t really release anything, I decided to start a blog which will hopefully motivate me to finish and to share some games and experiences with the gamedev community. The main idea is to create a new, simple game using a different kind of technique/engine every month . I will compare the engines by…

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