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Category: Godot

Game #6: My LD46 Submission! A Short Post-Mortem With Game Jam Tips

Game #6: My LD46 Submission! A Short Post-Mortem With Game Jam Tips

Two times a year there is this game jam called Ludum Dare. Last weekend I had a little time so I decided to try it again! The theme was “Keep it alive”. You can have a look at my submitted game on Here is a short post-mortem of what I managed to do in 72 hours! I created a list with some useful tipps for participating in game jams at the end of the article. How Ludum Dare works…

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Defold vs. Godot – My Experiences

Defold vs. Godot – My Experiences

This time I want to post something that is not related to a game I’m working on right now but to the engines I used making the last two games. Game #2 (Castle Adventure) was made with Godot and Game #3 (Tapmoji) with Defold. I mentioned on Twitter that Defold was completely new to me and I was asked by the Defold engine developers themselves what my on-boarding experience was and if I could compare the ease-of-use and the feature-set…

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A Game A Month #2 – Release!

A Game A Month #2 – Release!

A few days ago I published my second game – Castle Adventure, A Platformer using the Godot Engine – and finally here are some news related to the development process! As you have maybe noticed, it took me more time than just one month. Since I had exams in march I decided to take another month, because I was not really satisfied with the state and didn’t have enough time to finish the game. So here it is! A simple…

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A Game A Month #2 – Update!

A Game A Month #2 – Update!

Hello back! It’s been nearly a month since the announcement of the second game: Making a dungeon platformer using Godot 3. Unfortunately I had to deal with some exams in the past weeks and had not enough time to finish this game at the end of february. Nevertheless, I made some improvements and it looks great, yet! The more features I add, the more new ideas I have. The whole thing becomes bigger than expected. Therefore I decided to take…

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A Game A Month #2 – Godot Platformer

A Game A Month #2 – Godot Platformer

Hello again! it’s time for a new announcement: This month I will deal with Godot 3.0, making a Platformer/Jump’n’Run! For those who are new here: I try to create and release a new game every month, using another game engine in every project. Last month I’ve created the first game using LibGDX, which you can play here: Super Shot. Feedback and comments are welcome! This time, the idea is to create a platformer with an atmospheric dungeon setting where a…

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Hello, I’m Phil, a hobby game developer who wants to share some experiences with the world. As I worked on many private hobby projects so far but didn’t really release anything, I decided to start a blog which will hopefully motivate me to finish and to share some games and experiences with the gamedev community. The main idea is to create a new, simple game using a different kind of technique/engine every month . I will compare the engines by…

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